Lets Get Happi - Online Therapy App

Dr. Piyush Goyal

Consulting Psychiatrist

Education & Certifications


  • MBBS : 2007-2013: Nalanda medical college and hospital, Patna, Bihar (India)
  • MD (Psychiatry) :
    2015-2018: B.J medical college and civil hospital, Ahmedabad, GUJARAT (India)
  • DM (Addiction Psychiatry): Senior resident
    2018-2021: All India institute of medical sciences (AIIMS), and National drug dependence treatment center (NDDTC) New Delhi (India)
    Worked as a Junior resident psychiatrist in MASINA HOSPITAL Mumbai as a part of DNB residency program for 4 months in 2014


Professional Experience


Working as a consultant with the best luxury rehab centre of India where he is collaborating with the best psychologists of India to develop the treatment plan.


Research Work​


  • Trazodone for sleep disturbance in opioid dependent patients maintained on buprenorphine: A double blind placebo-controlled trial under guidance of DR RAVINDRA RAO (Additional professor) as a part of DM thesis in addiction psychiatry in AIIMS NEW DELHI (2018-2021).
  • This is the first randomized controlled trial studying any medication for sleep disturbance in opioid dependent patients maintained on buprenorphine.
  • Gender differences in family accommodation and expressed emotions in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder: A cross-sectional study as a part of MD thesis under guidance of DR MINAKSHI PARIKH (HOD and Professor) in BJ medical college and Civil hospital, Ahmedabad. (2015-2018)


Presentations & Publications


Poster presented: A case report on dicyclomine abuse presented at annual conference in Indian psychiatric society: Gujarat state branch at Goa 2016.


Paper presented “Knowledge and attitude towards alcoholism among nursing student: An interventional study presented at Annual conference of Indian psychiatric society Rajkot 2017 Modi V, Parikh M, Desai M, Goyal P: Study of certification cases handled in department of psychiatry in a tertiary care hospital 2018.

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