Lets Get Happi - Online Therapy App

Embracing Change and Growth, By Letting Go of Regrets and Disappointments

New Year Goal – Lets Get Happi

Hello, the new year is here!

It’s time to push and begin the next chapter, but before we embrace all the exciting possibilities, let’s take a moment to tackle the lingering issues from the past. 

How can we celebrate this “NEW YEAR, NEW ME” perspective?


Big Journeys Begin with Small Steps

Whether it’s that coffee ritual in the morning that allows you to quit blaming yourself for skipping a workout or not reading a book you have never read. It may include substituting your biggest critic with your closet advocate. You are only required to make a tiny adjustment toward your goal of growth, not a BIG resolution.

Regrets and Disappointments

Regrets & Disappointments In Life

It’s like having a leftover pizza slice in the fridge that you keep putting off until tomorrow… but somehow it never gets eaten.

Even when we know it isn’t helping us, we can’t just throw it out.

The difficulty is that such bitterness is outdated, much like that pizza. They have been occupying your mind and keeping you from enjoying every bit of the freshly prepared meal that is in the fridge. They had to go away instantly.

It’s okay to notice them, but not to treat them like a priceless gem. Regret appears to be becoming less valuable and making it harder to find new ones, much like expired coupons.

Make Room for What Comes Next

Think about it exactly like re-arranging your closet. You are not throwing out something because you have some excellent outfits, but you are creating room for fresh things that are ideal for the times to come. Similarly, clear your mind of “what would have been” to make room for “what comes next.”

Change is Scary, but Change is Growth

Also, it is ok to make mistakes because no one is flawless, let’s face it. Life is more like a zigzag dance than a straight line. Consequently, try not to be too harsh on your capabilities. Every leap forward is a step towards progress.


Let us embrace the shift with a big hug, a smile, and maybe even a cup of our favourite hot chocolate as we start a fresh year.

Embrace the Shift with Big Hug

The next phase is about to kick off, one filled with fun, progress, laughs and of course, a little less pizza in the fridge.

Cheers to that.

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