Have you ever felt like you’re untouchable, immune to the risks and consequences that others face? It’s a common cognitive bias known as the illusion of invulnerability. In this blog, we’ll explore this fascinating phenomenon, its impact on our lives, and strategies to overcome it....
Sleeping pills are certain types of medications that help in falling asleep faster, longer and easily. They are prescribed to people diagnosed with insomnia or any other sleep disorder. When the sleep schedule is affected by stress, travel or any other disturbances, sleeping pills can be taken to he...
Although it’s common to refer to grief as a journey, few analogies truly convey what it is like. It’s more than just a route to follow; it’s an emotional rollercoaster with curves and twists that can leave us gasping for air and confused. We’ll examine the hidden aspects of g...
Let’s delve deeply into the intriguing world of mandrax. From its medical beginnings to its current recreational use, the history of this sedative and hypnotic substance is fascinating. So grab a seat, and let me take you on this educational tour. What’s Mandrax ? So, what exactly is mandrax...
Impulse control disorder is a condition where a person has difficulty controlling their impulses or urges. It can manifest in various ways, such as impulsive behaviors, excessive gambling, shopping, or even engaging in risky activities without considering the consequences. This disorder can have a n...
In recent years, the field of mental health has experienced a significant transformation, thanks to technological advancements and changing attitudes towards therapy. One of the major developments in this evolution is the availability of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) online, reshaping how indiv...
The concept of REBT was developed by Albert Ellis. However, Ellis questioned whether psychoanalysis helped people deal with the root cause of their problems or helped them feel better at all in the long term.Ellis believed that humans are naturally goal-directed, but they are also self-defeating and...
Personality Disorders In the field of psychology, certain patterns of behavior and thoughts are considered to be different from what is generally found in a particular culture. These are called personality disorders. These patterns are unhealthy and rigid. These disorders negatively affect the perso...
Dependency to some degree is required throughout existence; humans are social creatures who rely on others for survival across various stages of their lifespan. However, dependency in its more extreme forms is classified as a mental illness. Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) is when someone is de...