
Why is Journaling effective?

journaling effectiveness

Journaling is a great way to identify, address and improve mental and emotional well-being. We hear so much about journaling from wellness brands but do not understand the “why” behind it. In this age of reason, it is essential to understand the “why” to make the process meaningful and impactful. Here are some of the “why”s that can push you towards journaling:


Record & Reflect – Journalling helps you record your thoughts and actions, your day-to-day events and your emotional reactions to those events. By writing down your thoughts, you can gain a better understanding of your emotional responses and identify the things that trigger negative emotions. This understanding can help you avoid or work on neutralizing these triggers, leading to a more positive outlook on life.  


Safe Space – In today’s age where everyone thinks of themselves as an expert, it is easy to get critiqued on the smallest of ideas. Journalism gives one a safe space to express one’s thoughts and emotions without the worry of judgement and feedback, which usually works against the person seeking expression. This sense of confidentiality can help you to be more honest with yourself and create a deeper sense of self-awareness.


Increases Self-Awareness – Journaling helps one reflect on the events and one’s reactions to those events in the past. It helps one understand the motive behind actions which at the time of performing weren’t very clear. It helps us understand ourselves more deeply and take action with a deeper understanding of our triggers.


Better Decisions – Because our self-awareness is heightened, journaling helps us organise our thoughts more effectively and clearly than before. We start identifying our natural patterns and themes of life and make decisions based on our understanding, rather than being a slave to our own impulses.


Document Memories – Finally, it is the best way to save and reflect back on memories that have had an effect on your personality. Many times we forget these experiences, only carrying their effect with us. Through journaling, we can map the cause and the path of the effect. It’s also a great way to track your progress towards your goals and reflect on your personal growth.


Conclusion – Journaling is one of the most effective ways to bring about a change in one’s mental and emotional patterns and to make one self-aware. We have many kinds of journals along with different prompts to help one start journaling in our app, Lets Get Happi, which is India’s first-ever app that provides psychotherapy round the clock. We provide help to everyone anytime and anywhere along with the option of staying anonymous.


Download our app today to start your self-healing process!


– Nihar Laljani 

– Content Writer For Veda Rehabilitation and Wellness

– www.vedawellnessworld.com

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