Lets Get Happi - Online Therapy App

Bullying No More: Realistic Strategies for Empowerment

How To Overcome Bully And Gain Empowerment

The word bullying is not uncommon. While its a popular notion that this exists mainly in adolescence, it is actually actually an issue that can affect people in different areas of their live like yes, school, but also college, the workplace and often even amongst family and relatives at home.


Given the massive population of India, understanding the effects that something as pervasive as this can have on the mental and emotional well-being of people becomes all the more important.


This comprehensive guide aims to do that and more. So by the time you’re done reading this, we hope you’ll be a little better equipped at dealing with bullying effectively.


Understanding Bullying:

So, what exactly is bullying? The internet often provides complex definitions like, “a form of aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance”. But what exactly does this mean? In simple terms, bullying happens when someone wants to control or hurt another person which in turn can make the one being bullied feel sad, scared, or alone. It could be repetitive and deliberate, directed towards one person or a group.


takes various forms, from physical aggression to verbal abuse, cyberbullying, exclusion, and intimidation. It can occur in schools, colleges, workplaces, and even online platforms. The impact of bullying can range from lowered self-esteem, anxiety, depression, to severe emotional distress.


Here’s how bullying may manifest in different scenarios:

Now as mentioned, bullying is present but not restricted to school life. Within school and college it can show up physically, verbally and socially (as seen in many movies where the main character has to take their lunch in a bathroom stall because someone spread a rumor or isolated them from groups).


At work, it could show up as someone continuously undermining your work, taking credit because you’re a subordinate or even yelling at and humiliating you in front of other colleagues. Isolation can take place here too. It’s not just students that take lunches alone sometimes.


Within your home too, you can face bullying from siblings and parents. Sometimes you could even feel emotionally manipulated to do things out of obligation or duty; which is in fact, a form of bullying.


And lastly, a form that is of special concern today – cyberbullying; or when someone uses social media to threaten or humiliate you.


The reason for explaining these is so you are more aware of the fact that not only does bullying exist in everyday scenarios but that it is also perfectly valid for you to feel down about the same.


So now that you know, what comes next?


Recognizing Signs of Bullying:

After understanding where all bullying could take place, the next important step is identifying certain signs. Some of these that you can refer to for yourself or if you suspect someone else you know is being bullied could be –


Physical Signs:

Unexplained bruises, cuts, or injuries


Emotional Changes:

Feeling increasingly sad, anxious, or stressed without an apparent reason. One might also experience mood swings, sudden tearfulness, or unexplained outbursts of anger


Behavioral Changes:

Avoiding specific places, activities, or people; in general skipping things and choosing isolation although you don’t particularly enjoy being alone all the time


Social Signs:

Sudden changes in friendships or social groups. Feeling excluded, left out of plans, or noticing that people are spreading rumors about you.


Academic or Work Issues:

A decline in performance or interest in things you used to enjoy. Difficulty concentrating or feeling constantly distracted due to worrying about the bullying situation.


Physical Health Changes:

Your body can show signs of bullying too. Experiencing frequent headaches, stomachaches, or other physical symptoms due to stress and anxiety are all possible signs


Changes in Sleep or Appetite:

Having trouble sleeping or experiencing changes in your usual eating habits


Strategies to Deal with Bullying:

If you’ve read this far and realized you or someone you know might have or is experiencing this, we’re sorry. But don’t worry, here’s where the help comes in. Dealing with bullying can be incredibly challenging and distressing. It’s important to have specific strategies in place to address this difficult situation effectively. Here are some practical steps that can genuinely help you navigate through bullying and regain a sense of control and empowerment –


Document Everything:

Keep a detailed record or diary of the bullying incidents. Note down dates, times, locations, and descriptions of what happened. This documentation can be crucial if you decide to report the bullying to authorities. Documenting or journaling incidents and how you felt can also be cathartic personally. If you’re caught in a situation you’re not comfortable sharing with others just yet, letting your feelings out to a personal source can bring some comfort.


Seek Out Allies:

Identify trusted individuals or allies who can provide support. This could be a teacher, coworker, friend, or family member who can listen to you without judgment and offer guidance or assistance. Try and reduce any embarrassment or shame you feel. Bullying is common and unfair; you shouldn’t have to feel secluded or ashamed of your struggle. Communication and third-person perspectives help plenty in convincing yourself you’re not alone, validating your feelings and giving you supportive ways to deal.


Explore Legal Options:

Understand your rights and explore legal avenues available to you. In severe cases of bullying, seeking legal advice might be necessary, especially if the situation poses a threat to your safety. Many websites provide guidelines on laws associated with bullying as well as helplines like the 24/7 therapy and SOS feature on the Lets Get Happi app for support and guidance.


Develop Coping Mechanisms:

While bullying might drain you sometimes of wanting to do anything, trying a few gentle and relief providing activities can help. Here are a few examples in case you’re looking to get started or recommend to another –


  1. Gentle Self-Care Rituals: Engage in simple self-care routines that provide comfort, like taking warm baths, wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket, or lighting scented candles. These small acts of self-care can offer moments of tranquility amidst distress.
  2. Guided Relaxation: Too tired? Let something else take the lead. Listen to guided relaxation or meditation sessions. Our app offers a wide range of soothing audios to help you ground yourself and wind down.
  3. Journaling for Release: As mentioned above, there’s nothing quite like writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal. This doesn’t have to be structured or neat; it’s about letting out your emotions on paper as a form of release and relief. Lets Get Happi has a private journaling feature where you can do the same.
  4. Music and Soothing Sounds: Listening to nature sounds, piano and instrumental covers, or even a specific Spotify playlist of your favorite songs at specific times of the day can all  bring a sense of peace.


Establish Boundaries:

If safe and comfortable, try having a direct conversation using “I” statements to make the person realize your experience of their behavior. Practice the use of assertive but non-confrontational language. Write it down or discuss it with someone you trust and then use statements accordingly; for example: “I need you to stop calling me those names. It is not acceptable.” If such direct communication isn’t possible or safe, do not hesitate to involve authority figures like teachers, supervisors or HR executives. Finally, limit interaction. Try and stay in group or public settings and minimize your exchanges to formalities only. If you feel the urge to talk to the bully or appease them, journal about it or say it to another to diffuse your emotions.


Utilize Technology Wisely:

While a lot of bullying happens on social media, it can also be used against the same if you’re aware. Consider adjusting your privacy settings, restricting or blocking the bully, hiding your stories from them or reporting and flagging their abusive content. You can also take screenshots for documentation.


Educate Yourself:

It’s possible that although supportive, no one will understand your situation as closely as you. Look up resources that go into detail on types of bullying and signs, explore self-help books and coping skills worksheets, even muster some courage and attend an online anonymous support group to find people with similar experiences. You may also specifically look up strategies to enhance resilience and self-esteem.


The Role of Mental Health Apps in Dealing with Bullying:

Before we conclude, speaking of strategies to deal with bullying, In some cases, the emotional toll of bullying might necessitate professional intervention. Mental health apps like Lets Get Happi offer anonymous, affordable and accessible online therapy sessions  at all times. This provides a safe space for people to discuss their experiences with trained professionals and develop personalized coping strategies. What’s better? The first session is absolutely FREE. Give it a try, you might find a solution in therapy after all.


In conclusion

Dealing with bullying is a complex and challenging issue, but with the right strategies and support systems in place, one can overcome these challenges.


Remember, you are not alone. There are resources and people ready to support you through these tough times. By standing together and raising awareness, we can create a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone.

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