Finding Peace in a Chaotic World: Effective Strategies for Anxiety Relief

Effective Strategies for Anxiety and Stress Meditation

It’s no lie that the world we live in is day-by-day becoming increasingly chaotic and stressful. With the constant and almost unavoidable barrage of news and social media in this post-pandemic 2023, let’s face it, it’s HARD to escape feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.


Of course, one could argue that there are weekends and socializing, but are these enough in achieving true well-being? The simple answer is no. The more elaborated answer is No, but all hope is not lost.


If you’re struggling to find peace in this rat-race world,  fortunately enough, there are a few evidence based things you can do to help.

 1. Practice mindfulness. 
  • Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment. It can be a powerful tool for reducing anxiety and stress.
  • There are many different ways to practice mindfulness, such as meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths and focusing on your breath.
  • It might seem like a lot, but with the advent of technology, YouTube and mental health apps like LetsGetHappi which already have an array of videos to help you with the same, it’s really only a matter of convincing yourself to invest a little time and trying these out; however skeptical you might be initially.
  • Easily accessible videos on resources like these online platforms and apps based on things like the Chakra, Love & Kindness, Yognidra and Mindful House/EDM based meditations have all been proven to not only work but also be genuinely enjoyable and not boring as most people consider; in aiding with relaxation.
 2. Get regular exercise. 
  • Exercise is another great way to reduce anxiety and stress. It’s a common scientific fact that exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.
  • But that’s not it. Over time, it also helps strengthen the immune system, provide better sleep, and even aid chronic pain! It’s just about finding the right work-out for you.
  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. You can do these at a gym or even by yourself at home. Don’t worry about getting it all right from the get-go. Start with just being regular first; with whatever exercises those may be. Over time you and your body will acclimatize to routine and you’ll know what steps to take next. It’s about feeling good not starring in an action movie!
 3. Get enough sleep. 
  • Heard this enough? We know but it is undeniable that adequate sleep enhances your ability to handle stressors. If you’re not well-rested, how are you going to find the energy to tackle that work deadline?
  • Apart from just anxiety, sleep also helps with emotional regulation (i.e how you react to a particular situation), and aids with mind-fog; allowing you to make clearer decisions.
  • Sleep time of 7-8 hours of sleep each night is crucial. Yes, that means letting go of that last episode, phone call, reel scrolling. Whatever be your vice. We’re not saying stop it all-together; just try and compartmentalize your screen time a little. Maybe start gradually. Aim for 5 hours, then 6, etc. And avoid any afternoon naps or caffeine right before bed! Sounds like common sense but trust us, it will help.
 4. Eat a healthy diet. 
  • A balanced diet provides essential nutrients that support brain function. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, are linked to improved mood and reduced anxiety.
  • Believe it or not, “we’re only getting older”. Avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks also helps regulate blood sugar levels, preventing mood swings and anxiety spikes.
  • So, science aside; try and not skip that breakfast, grab a fruit instead of a cookie, eat your meals wholly and substitute that 4th tea/coffee of your day with some hot water.
 5. Connect with others. 
  • Man is indeed; a social animal. Sure some of us like spending time with just ourselves or are dispositionally introverted but having some connect with the social world can just help with some objective perspectives on our lives, and emotional relief (ranting – for every gen-z reading this)
  • Try and find some time to maintain connections. It’s fine if that means being a party animal on the weekends or doing a virtual zoom call in your pyjamas. You do you.
  • It’s not about the quantity of connections, but the quality of those connections that can make a world of difference in battling anxiety. It’s just about finding that sense of relatability and reminding yourself every now and then; you’re not alone.
 6. Seek professional help if needed. 
  • If you’re struggling to manage your anxiety on your own, don’t be afraid to seek professional help.
  • Finding the right therapist can be a task but once you do, a therapist can teach you coping skills and strategies for managing your anxiety from that objective professional perspective you need.
  • Think about it this way- If you had chronic back pain or needed knee surgery, would it not convince you to visit doctors, get x-rays, maybe multiple consults before deciding and getting necessary treatment? Why are you waiting on mental health support then?
 How the LetsGetHappi app can help 

Speaking of seeking mental health support, the LetsGetHappi app offers a variety of features that can help you to find peace in a chaotic world and relieve anxiety. For one, the app provides assured anonymity and guaranteed privacy in all it’s provisions. Other features include:


24/7 online therapy: You can chat, call, or video call a psychologist anytime, anywhere, anonymously.What’s better? The first session is free! So feel at peace testing out the waters for yourself before you commit to the process of healing.


SOS: The app also includes an SOS chat/call feature offering free 15-minute conversations with counselors at any time in case of emergency.


Self-assessment tests: You can take a variety of self-assessment tests to learn more about yourself and your mental health. The information received on these stay private to you. You may use it to understand yourself better and/or share it with a therapist to work on specific symptoms.


Online journaling: Writing is a great way to release those pent up thoughts and emotions when you don’t feel like discussing or talking about or honestly; don’t know how to. Happi offers private online journaling where you can do the same. The typing feature makes it easier for those not habituated to writing or who feel more comfortable in typing. You can use prompts like writing one nice sentence to yourself each day and listing three things you’re grateful for to enhance your experience, improve your mood and reduce anxiety.


Meditation videos: Meditation is a powerful tool for reducing anxiety and stress. The app offers a variety of meditation videos to choose from as discussed above. Apart from this, the app also provides videos to aid with Yoga, sleep and diet and nutrition with videos from experts in the field for beginners and specific individual needs.


Finding peace in a chaotic world is not always easy, but it is possible. By following the tips above, you can learn to manage your anxiety and improve your mental well-being.


Start by downloading the LetsGetHappi app today and start your journey to a happier, healthier you! One day at a time.

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