How is online Therapy beneficial?

benefits of online therapy

In today’s day and age, we are facing what we call a ‘mental epidemic’. The disharmony is being more and more apparent. Teenagers today are facing the highest amount of depression and anxiety as compared to any other time. There is also a correlation seen between substance abuse and teenagers suffering from anxiety and depression. In such a day and age, the need for treating masses must be devised. Technology can help us achieve exactly that.


Traditional therapy has always been offline. The popular belief is that one-to-one works best to create a therapeutic environment where the clients feel heard, but the same one-to-one therapy could be provided online. 


Online therapy brings with it, a plethora of changes. Not everyone has a clinic in their locality and mental illnesses do not manifest themselves by observing localities. Everywhere people who need mental help should get it. Just like it is a human right that everyone who needs physical help should be able to get it, so must it be with mental health as well.


It is also intimidating for people to be physically present one-to-one with a therapist and make themselves vulnerable enough for the therapist to “operate”. It is much easier from the comfort of one’s home to be able to open themselves up enough for the therapist to provide the best care that they can.


Since catering to many individuals is possible through the internet, many can be taken care of in quite a less price. Therapies can be quite expensive, with one sitting going up to Rs.5000 (60$) a session. The same could care could be catered to every individual around the globe much more efficiently and on about 10% of the previously mentioned number.


We at LetsGetHappi have taken up the fight and our at the forefront of it, battling illness and abuse at the ground level and this initiative will help us withdraw the forces of darkness. You could join the fight by trying out online therapy for yourself using our app; and also by sharing this with people who you think might be in a need of it.


– Nihar Laljani 


– Content Writer For Veda Rehabilitation and Wellness



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