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How to Talk to Girls

Tips For Effectively Talking To Girls

Talking to girls or having a conversation with anyone you’re interested in can be worrisome but, knowing certain tips and advices can come in handy and be helpful in situations like these.

So when it comes to talking to a girl and having a certain kind of attraction towards her, its normal and quite common to feel nervous which can make it slightly difficult to start or maintain that conversation. So having a few ideas/tips in mind beforehand can be useful like conversation starters, ice breakers, communication techniques/skills etc.

For many of us, it can feel really stressful to talk to someone whom you don’t know properly yet, specially in an outdoor setting. Feelings of tension and unease can come up due to certain reasons like :-

  • Anxiety/Uncertainty about the future
  • Concerned about being judged
  • Feeling restless of being rejected
  • Lack of conversation topics, awkward silence or not able to hold the conversation.

Therefore, having a genuine interest to talk to a girl and then eventually engaging in further discussions and talking about interesting things that are common to both can really help to boost one’s self-confidence.

Some tips that can help you feel comfortable and confident are as follows:-

  • Just be Yourself – Being true to yourself is so underrated but is truly the most attractive and beautiful thing. Authenticity is everything.
  • Find common ground – an approach that can spark good conversations is finding something that is common to the both of them and that could be mutual friends, common experiences, similar likes/dislikes. This can actually start that connection and talking about those topics that keeps the conversation flowing will just nurture the connection more. The conversation may last longer if you find something that you have in common.
  • Asking open- ended questions – Instead of those questions that are answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’, asking questions that garners a more detailed response can give this understanding to the girl that you are genuinely interested in knowing her. A few examples could be – what are your interests?, what are you passionate about?, what is your favorite movie/book? etc.
  • Actively listening – when the conversation is flowing well, its always preferable to practice listening to her by giving your undivided attention and not to interrupt the girl who you are talking to. Listening and incorporating this skill in our day-to-day life also can be really helpful to forming a healthy bond and is vital in maintaining that connection. Showing genuine interest in what the girl is saying can develop positive feelings about you in her eyes. In return, responding with a few non-verbal expressions can be really useful as well.
  • Compliments – Genuine and heartfelt compliments can make someone feel really good and make their day as well. Focusing on those things that you appreciate about her like her sense of humor, her personality or her looks can give that validation to someone to foster genuine bond with a girl in the initial stages.
  • Sharing about Yourself – Balancing the conversation by sharing your own stories and experiences can help the girl to understand you as well and get to know you better and connect with you on an emotional level. This can make that interaction more reciprocative and involving both of them and not just one person.
  • Respect Boundaries – Paying attention to small details like what makes her comfortable and respecting her space and boundaries can really come out as a person who is caring and compassionate which are the qualities every girl really adores.

A few other things that can help a guy as to how to talk to girls are as follows:-

  • Don’t get too personal during the initial stage – Avoiding asking too personal questions as it can feel quite intrusive initially. Deeper and intimate conversations typically are suggested to happen when there is some kind of comfort and trust is established which will take some time to develop once you both know each other quite well.
  • Open to accept being rejected gracefully – Accepting rejection with a graceful attitude can give you the peace of mind and shows how kind and understanding you are as a person. Not everyone can like and feel the same way as you with everyone and that’s okay and learning to move on with it helps to inculcate an attitude of abundance and being humble.

Ultimately, the goal is to have meaningful and deeper conversations and getting to know her better. Having a calm and positive outlook towards it can really help you manage the situation better by just being your true authentic self.

Online counseling for Relationship Support – Many people go through social anxiety or nervousness when it comes to establishing new romantic relationships and talking about your feelings and expressing them can help you open up better and share what your inhibitions or innermost feelings are. Additionally, getting professional help through online counseling can really help to get some clarity on the thoughts, feelings and emotions that you’re going through. Online Platform such as Lets Get Happi is an app where a person can choose which therapist they want to take therapy from and it can absolutely be kept anonymous. Whatever is discussed in the counseling sessions between the therapist and the client is kept entirely confidential and discreet and there are a lot of things that one can explore on the app for a wholesome experience related to one’s mental health and emotional management.

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